At this point, Norah needs constant attention. So from the time I pick her up from daycare, until she goes to bed, me or my husband are with her. This makes it hard to make dinner, clean the house, exercise and do laundry (and keep up with all our TV shows - the DVR is just about to explode). I'm willing to forgo the cleaning, but this family does have to eat and leave the house with clean clothes.
Over the past few weeks, I've developed a routine that seems to be working somewhat (or at least until Norah decides to change her bedtime unexpectedly). I thought I'd share in case there are any other new moms out there struggling with this.
5:15 am - wake up before baby, brush teeth, change into workout gear
5:20 am - grab clothes from bedrooms and throw in a load of wash
5:25 am - feed cats, start workout dvd
5:50 am - switch clothes to dryer, eat breakfast
6:00 am - shower, dress and dry hair
6:45 am - dress Norah, pack bottles, take out clothes from the dryer so they don't wrinkle
7:20 am - drop Norah off at daycare, go to work
5:30 pm - pick Norah up from daycare
6:00 pm - let Norah play independently while I throw all the bottle parts and dishes into soapy water
6:10 pm - play with Norah until dad comes home
7:15 pm - cook dinner
7:45 pm - bottle, bath and bed for Norah
8:15 pm - put away laundry from the morning, clean for 15 minutes, prep bottles for next day
9:30 pm - read for at least 15 minutes, or until I fall asleep
It's a totally exhausting day from start to finish, but when the weekend comes, most of my cleaning and laundry is done, so it frees me up to spend some quality time with Norah and her dad. Here are a few tools I have found helpful in keeping to this schedule:
- Libman Freedom Spray Mop
- this mop is a total time saver. There is basically a spray bottle that you can fill with any solution attached. When you want to mop, you just hit the sprayer and the solution squirts out onto the floor. The cloth is machine washable, so when you're done mopping for the day, you can just toss it in the wash.
- Rocktivity Music Skool Table
- this is one of Norah's favorite toys. It keep her busy for ten minutes while I do some quick chores when we get home.
- Elfa Closet Organizers
- We have an elfa closet in my room and Norah's. It makes picking out clothes in the morning really easy.
Hi Melissa - I feel for you! I have a 10 month old as well (and a 2.5 yr old), and it can be an interesting age where they tend to cling to mommy a bit more and aren't into entertaining themselves so much. It will get better! Do you have a playpen? It's such a great tool for independent play (we don't use ours otherwise), and the baby has come to realize that he goes in there at certain times each day and doesn't get to come out till a little timer goes off. We started at 5 minutes and are now up to past 30. It can be a real help when you are trying to cook! I'm in love with your schedule - it's the only way to keep some sanity in this crazy phase! :)
ReplyDeleteWe do have a playpen, but she goes a little crazy and tries to climb out when we put her in it. I love to encourage independent play with her, but when she's screaming, it's hard not to rescue her!